Friday, November 12, 2010

Squeeze Pages--Capturing Your Customers The Easy Way

   A squeeze page is the simplest way to generate a subscriber list for marketing purposes.  Being on an email list makes a customer relevant and therefore marketers can target these customers for products that will be of interest to them.  This way, the customer sees products that are relevant, timely, and interesting; the marketer has a ready-made list of people that will be at least willing to see what his product can do.  It’s a win-win for both parties.  The probability that a person on the email list will try a product specifically targeted toward them increases greatly.
   A squeeze page is a special type of landing page with a sole purpose:  Get as many e-mail addresses as possible.  The page may have a sales pitch in the form of an article, an audio message, or even a video, but what the page won’t have is an external link of any kind.  The only thing a squeeze page visitor can do is enter an email address or leave the site.  In order to entice the visitor to give up an email address, internet marketers can use the power of persuasion or incentives in order to make that happen.  Too much additional content may frustrate the visitor and cause that visitor to click away.
   The squeeze page itself is selling a product, however, it doesn’t want to give away too many intricate details of the product.  Therefore, in order to entice visitors who wish to seek additional information about the product, the site will ask for an email address so it can be put on a special list of people who would like to hear more about the product.  These landing pages are only used for follow-up marketing.  By signing up at the site, you’re signaling to the company running the page that you’re “opting in” for more information about a certain product.

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   Privacy concerns have many people shying away from the traditional methods of web marketing because the last thing people want to see their inbox filling up with is spam.  By opting in, the company running the site also understands these concerns and usually employs search methods such as search engine optimization to move their pages up the rankings and get noticed faster.  If you don’t know the first thing about putting together a squeeze page, you can always find someone else to do it for you.

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